Author Topic: [SUGGESTION] New class: Assasin  (Read 3130 times)


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[SUGGESTION] New class: Assasin
« on: May 24, 2014, 01:39:26 PM »
   Hello. Since I've seen lately that game creators are pretty active with upgrades and creating new things for the hammerwatch, I feel like they are updated to the community ideas aswell. That's why I've written down my thing. I have a small suggestion about a new class in the game. Feel free to comment, share your own ideas, criticize me, etc. It's just a suggestion, just an idea. I would be more than glad if even a little piece from it would be used in actual game ideas.

The Assassin is a decoy melee class.Gimmicky weapon like a sickle and chain will be a weaponry for assassin. Assassin won't have shield skills as palladins, neither slash attacks to parry projectiles(as thief/warlock do). For this reason it will be the weakest melee class. It won't be a durable class aswell. Assassin will catch up other melee classes by it's decoy skills.

Passive skills:
1. Accelaration
At first I thought that unique trait to this class might be also faster movement speed(compared to the other classes). To not change normal movement speed and make this class unique at some point might be a small acceleration of assassin's speed after a long way moving. Accelaration is resetting after assassin stopes moving or uses a skill.

2. ???
No ideas yet. Please help me out find the idea for 2nd skill, type your ideas in the comment section!

Active skills:
1. Prism
The Assassin is starting with the ability called Prism. When it's used, it teleports you few inches on your back. A decoy(looks like a player clone) spawns where you were before the skill activation, and walks towards the way you were moving. It causes enemies to attack it, if it's close enough. Since the decoy is just an illusion, enemy shots will pass through it.
   Upgrades could longer the duration.
2. Cloak
   Cloak can be unlocked at a Level 2 Defence Vendor as it's bound to the skill 2 button. Cloak gives ability to turn assasin invisible. Assassin is undetected by enemies till the duration of skill ends. For not making this skill OP cloak should have a cooldown lasting, for example, the same time as it's duration time +3seconds.
   Upgrades of this skill could make it longer. Also there might be an upgrade for teleporting forwardly while using the cloak.

3. Venom
Venom can be unlocked at a Level 2 Offense Vendor as it's bound to the skill 3button. It's used by throwing the bottle of venom forwardly. After a range, let's say, for example 7, it lands and creating a circle of a medium radius. Enemies are being poisoned while they are walking into such a radius. Poison is affecting enemies with a duration(for example) 7seconds.
   Upgrades could longer the duration of poison and increase the radius of it

Hooded. Light clothes. Might appear as a female.

I didn't write futher details as player statistics, passive skills, etc. It's just a core idea.
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« Last Edit: May 28, 2014, 09:08:20 AM by Lorencia »