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Messages - Linaru

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Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Playing as wizard and it stutters
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:40:40 AM »
if its a game issue you should post in the technical difficulties section.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Hammerwatch on the Arcade
« on: May 22, 2014, 03:35:41 AM »
that's cool ... now just you need to replace all the decals with hammer watch ones :P

Editor Discussion / Re: Custom Resource Naming Convention
« on: February 06, 2014, 05:34:05 PM »
i use simple initals

theme_nd for the necromancer dungeon theme
theme_gc for a goblin cavern
theme_df for a dark forest

as they use two letters its unlikely they will ever share them with other themes
and it makes it easy to tell what they are at a glance

Editor Discussion / Re: [Recruiting] Custom map Design Team
« on: October 21, 2013, 02:48:31 PM »

i am still trying to get a team together for this project, i have fleshed out the first dungeons layout and lemac has drawn me a couple of mob sprites and was working on another but i have not heard from him for a while.
however some thing in rl have been getting in the way and my concentrations been messed up these past few weeks.

at this stage i am trying to figure which direction to go with the dungeon map next.

muz & NekoBaron- if your still interested in doing some eventing i could really use some unique puzzles to put in some of rooms , the puzzles will likely open a dawn or spawn a chest.

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign][WIP] Greyfall
« on: October 21, 2013, 02:38:40 PM »

Yes, i apologise for the delay but progress has been slow. some things have come up that are taking my free time.

i am trying to continue working on the map.

.hbm are maps created on the beta while the game was still being developed. the map format was changed a short while before it was released.

there is no way to play the old .hbms on the full release unless the map creators update their maps.

Editor Discussion / Re: [Recruiting] Custom map Design Team
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:45:01 PM »
i am mostly looking for music that will match the style of hammerwatch's game music. just need something new for each of my dungeons and bosses.

you both have okay music but neither are hammer-watch styled which makes it difficult to tell if you'd be any god at the style i need. if youd like to have a go at a retro/hammerwatch styled sound clip it would make things easier for me to tell how good you are.

i also like the old golden axe games music =3

Editor Discussion / Re: Spawning boss issue
« on: September 20, 2013, 01:39:29 PM »
Yes you have to. Just spawn it with SpawnObject, and an AreaTrigger linked to a Shape. The HP Boss bar will show up automatically (it's coded in his XML).

You can also put the boss like this as an Actor. I think there's a script to activate it, otherwise he will be activated once the player hits him.

check the spawn script is not to close to a wall or physical object, i have had issues where poorly place mobs i spawned spawn inside of solid objects and get pushed out of the level.

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign][WIP] Greyfall
« on: September 19, 2013, 04:36:22 PM »
Will creating this campaign be continued in the (near) future?

am currently working on the map, but would like to add more polish which means redesigning the dungeon and themes.. it takes some time to get a map of this size together.

Resources / Re: Sprite Flickering
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:49:11 PM »
But the animations in each direction are fluid. They animation of them walking just keeps going after they change direction, it is only the moment they change direction that the sprite flickers and splits. I checked each direction and each one moves just fine when it continues in the same direction. I also checked allt he coords - but those are only the walking animations anyways?

what about the idle animations? the mobs going to stop walking and use its standing anims as it turns?

Resources / Re: Sprite Flickering
« on: September 14, 2013, 07:11:06 PM »
So I've finished 7 monsters now and I've noticed that when I test them out their sprites will flicker sometimes when their direction changes. While moving in that direction they stay constant so I know that the animation is clean, its only when they change direction that all of a sudden sometimes they split in half for a split second and then resume the normal animation again.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

some thing in your .xml is incorrect  double check the co-ords of your frames are correct.  the split thing is it trying to use a frame of the sprite sheet that is a bit off centre

Editor Discussion / Re: [Recruiting] Custom map Design Team
« on: September 14, 2013, 05:21:04 PM »
I wish I knew more musicians.

you don't see many around doing this type of thing. i game music is significantly more work than some image files or new models.

Editor Discussion / Re: Spikes issue
« on: September 10, 2013, 09:50:05 AM »
try this one :

same scripts but i altered some of the delays between the two spike alternations, also added a delay to give the player time to walk from one spike to the other before the next one activates.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: My idea for a Level system
« on: September 10, 2013, 08:52:02 AM »
i don't think a levelling system would work in a game like hammerwatch if you added it a patch you would be changing how the game works in quite a large way.
however i do understand the frustration with people ignoring flowers or other tough mobs and moving on.

i know myran and hipshot are planning on a ding stat boost drops in the next patch, perhaps a solution would be to give flowers a chance to drop these, so killing them might permanently boost the players without adding any of the tedious grinding that comes with a levelling system ?

Editor Discussion / Re: [Recruiting] Custom map Design Team
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:37:28 AM »
Do you have to be very skilled?

well not very skilled but adequately skilled, want the music to sound good and the art to look good the only real way for my to judge that is for people to post me examples of their work..

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