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Topics - drulludanni

Pages: [1]
Technical Support / unable to connect to a loaded save
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:17:58 PM »
Hi, so me and my friend were playing the game co-op online, then we quit the game i loaded up the save and he connected with no problems, but the day after that we were unable to connect to the loaded save and we havent been able to so since then. when he tries to connect i get a message that he has connected but he is not visibile ingame and he seems to be stuck in the lobby screen he is able to type messages to me that i can see (via the lobby screen) but he cannot see what i write ingame this happened around the time the 1.01 version was implemented (august 18th i think), i was wondering if it has something to do with the update or what else this might be? we really want to play through the game together but we really dont feel like starting over again (we were in act 3).

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