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Topics - x.Klowd

Pages: [1]
Editor Discussion / Looking to start a Developement Team
« on: October 02, 2013, 02:55:02 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm interested in making a game variant, but I'm having trouble learning the "ropes". So all I'm left with are my ideas. I wanted to design a pvp type map, a MOBA, if you will, but alas I'm having alot of trouble understanding what needs to be done to edit the game. I can help on Map design, and maybe a character model or 2, but I dont understand how to change the physics of the game. Say I wanted to deal damage to another player, or make a turret with the same characteristics as the ones in LoL, or make a mob that can attack each other. If anyone would like to help, or just simply give me some tips in the right direction, just post back and we can get this crackin.

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