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Topics - Amran

Pages: [1]
Custom Maps / [Campaign] Pirate's Cove
« on: April 29, 2014, 04:18:07 AM »
"A rumor of wealth hidden deep in the pirate cove has drawn you to another adventure. Collect all the cursed treasure, and escape with your lives!"

This is a release version of the level, with the intention to iron out any more bugs or balance issues that might still pop up. Any feedback would be great!
There's a new version of the level uploaded now. New areas, secrets, and adjustments!

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Editor Discussion / Player Only Collision / Map Image
« on: April 18, 2014, 06:55:17 PM »
Two more questions relating to a level I've been working on!

-Is there a way to set the collision of a doodad to only block players, but not projectiles or enemies?
-How can an image be set to display in the menu screen when the map is selected (rather than the question mark preview image).

Editor Discussion / Triggering Scripts When Player Hits Activate
« on: January 31, 2014, 05:21:40 PM »
Currently working on a custom level, and was wondering if there is a method or trick to creating a shape area which triggers a script when a player uses their attack/activate key within it.

If there's nothing built in that does this, maybe something similar can be accomplished using a collision polygon? Can these be made to detect hits, while not impeding player and projectile collision?

Hammerwatch Discussion / Defeating the Survival Lich?
« on: January 23, 2014, 06:34:52 AM »
Does anyone have tips for beating the lich in the newer survival level? My friends and I have tried many three and four player games and don't have much trouble leading up to the boss, but we've found it impossible to defeat him without crutches. He has a base of 20000hp (which seems to be multiplied depending on the number of players in the game), and one hit kill attacks.

It would be interesting to know what tactics are out there, and how one can deal enough damage to complete the level on normal and hard.

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