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Messages - CrusaderDeleters

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Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 26, 2014, 11:47:45 AM »
i wish thats all it was... sadly it was more than just my maps too. all my custom tilesets, sprites, everything.

Technical Support / Re: Having trouble getting latest resources
« on: July 24, 2014, 10:37:18 PM »
Don't worry about it. I've seen worse questions, like "how do you break a blok in minecraft?"

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:47:56 PM »
I have been a member of quite a few small dev team/indie game forums. perhaps getting connected to some social network sites? twitter is the one i am thinking of the most. Even if it is just one tweet every day, or every other day, I think it would help. You would be surprised, the amount of followers you can get in a few days. Tweet something, someone retweets it, your followers followers see it, so on so on.

oh, and i know ive been absent for a while, my laptop got destroyed, and i lost all the custom stuff i was working on.... so in my defeat, i just gave up instead of starting completely over. but i need my editing back. its like.... crack or something  ;D
That's a nice idea. I'd share a few facebook posts, and this way Hipshot could even give quick updates to those who don't use the IRC, or do some Mod / Map features every now and then.
Also, was it a disk drive failure? If not, you could swap out the Hard Drives, and keep your map.

Resources / Re: [Taking Requests] Rook's Sprites
« on: July 23, 2014, 09:29:30 PM »
I'm requesting this since I'm terrible at drawing possessed swords, and my custom levels need some.
A sword standing stright up with apurple glow. :)
For an attack, just make  it lean off-center, with a  purple slash.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 23, 2014, 01:05:16 PM »
Would that be a dedicated IRC channel for HW? A server like Freenode or even Rizon may be better for that. Anyway, if it's a stable thing, I'll stick around on it. I still use IRC.
Esper's always up and running. Had a problem only once with them, and it was a hardware fault. And I'm talking about, say, 3 years of IRC use?

Technical Support / Re: net code acting strange
« on: July 23, 2014, 03:26:19 AM »
Crusade,We use linux :D
our freind lives in another state:/
(we need to be able to have him connect throught the powers of teh intarwebz)

Port forwarding isn't a Windows-only thing.
Although about the Internal IP, that may be a different story.

Technical Support / Re: net code acting strange
« on: July 22, 2014, 11:27:06 PM »
Did you try port forwarding?
If you and your brother is using a Local Area Connection (Both of you sharing the same router), then you could just connect with your local IP's.
To figure that out, go to your command prompt (Windows key + R, and enter in "cmd"), and in there type "ipconfig".
You might have to scroll up, but look for the internet adapter that you use (whether it be Wireless LAN adapter, or an Ethernet Cable), and find "IPv4 Address". This address is your local IP.

Now that isn't even port forwarding.
Portforward has a really great list of guides to help you porting for online play.
Just... don't forget to make your internal IP static for port forwarding to work after you restart your computer.

Editor Discussion / Re: Importing Custom Doodads
« on: July 22, 2014, 04:36:27 PM »
Did you edit the file path for the new doodad image?
I usually keep it in my own doodad subfolder within my campaign map:

Hey I am so sorry for the late reply - Have been busy with other things.
I am still struggling with this question and the answer is 'No' I have not edited the file to the path for the new doodad image.
I actually am completely new new to this whole custom sprite thing and do not understand what to do at the slightest - Any help would be much appreciated  :(
It would be easier to explain it like this:
You have a folder. Hammerwatch/Editor. In there, you copy the Example campaign and call it "MyCampaignName". You should see a folder named "doodads" in it.
From here, create a folder named "Decoration", and copy special_eeg.png and eeg_guy.xml over to your "Decoration" folder.'

Make the same changes to special_eeg.png, and in eeg_guy.xml, change the line "<texture>doodads/special/special_eeg.png</texture>" to "<texture>doodads/decoration/special_eeg.png</texture>"

The Texture Path was changed from the special folder to the decoration folder.

Editor Discussion / Re: Enemy Pathfinding Question/Issue
« on: July 19, 2014, 01:23:32 AM »
Hello again :P
I've been lurking on this thread:D
and you would assume the enemy AI work on a grid system.
and I have a decent question.
would the enemy AI have any trouble if wall wernt the normal straight design?
(sorry for no picture, i have no way to share one, other than through steam but that would be a spoiler of the very closed pre pre alpha of my current map):D

EDIT: ~shiftyBOT(i used the wrong account name, :P
(also does anyone mind if i do a text signiture?)
You mean a wedge-shaped wall section? Pretty sure that would screw it up. If you keep 2 spaces between each walling section, you should be able to make a snake path, which the AI /might/ go simply diagonally.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 19, 2014, 01:21:36 AM »
(I don't want it to be know on steam,there are to many windows trolls there).
Steam is a pretty large community, and I don't think shutting them out is the best course of action...
Steam's a great place for things like the maps. Would make it helluva lot easier to share it with everybody else. :)
I didnt think people used irc that much any more... I have't used it since my tfc days really.
You'll be surprised. Game's Communities are trying to bring IRC back into equations. Games like Kerbal Space Program, Minecraft, Starmade, and a well bunch of others are actually quite busy. I honestly think Minecraft has the largest IRC community currently, with a large load of channels for mods, support, and just basic and general discussions related and unrelated to the game. The Support channel (#Minecrafthelp) gets a large load of traffic, even when it wasn't supported by Mojang.

Editor Discussion / Re: Enemy Pathfinding Question/Issue
« on: July 17, 2014, 01:57:53 PM »
As I thought. He uses a grid system to see which blocks the enemy can go through. :)

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 17, 2014, 01:49:55 PM »
(late reply thingeh)

thanks for stting up a IRC channel :P
I'm going to try and stay connected and active on it whenever I can :P

That's cool. The more we get in, the faster we could build support for the community. :)

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Community Growth?
« on: July 11, 2014, 01:51:07 PM »
I made an IRC channel that should keep some of the non-posters somewhat active.
Server is, and the channel is #hammerwatch.
Join it just to have a quick question answered or stay tuned to see waht others say. :)

Why not make damage DECREASE for consecutive hits in a single swing?

And yeah, Paladin = OP. Even Hipshot's agreed to that. :)

Editor Discussion / Re: Importing Custom Doodads
« on: July 08, 2014, 09:00:28 PM »
I can show you how to add it as a new one rather than just replace the old one.
Tis much easier and better.

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