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Messages - narodigg

Pages: [1]
So technically I might be able to go back to floors 1 and 2 while also completing another achievement before squaring off with the final boss.

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Hardcore mode
« on: January 30, 2014, 12:24:57 AM »
Yea I see what you mean, I don't really consider it hardcore myself, it should block saving completely, or it should be an additional setting, maybe that can be added.

I like the idea of a hardcore mode also. However blocking saving completely, would not be the way to do it IMO.  While it does bring us closer to our NES roots of unplugging the video and audio cables from the NES and leaving the power on cause the game had no save/continue feature.  I can't do that anymore, and can't sit through an entire play through one sitting.  While I have the attention span, my adult responsibilities don't allow it :)

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Soundtrack release
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:53:10 PM »
I really enjoyed the music and thank you and two feathers, for making it available for download.   I looked hard on steam for a soundtrack purchase, as is common with indie games. 

Free is even better, I wil "pay it forward".

I would suggest everyone stop by there FB page and give them some love.
If you are having trouble finding them;

Hammerwatch Discussion / Apparently not experienced enough. **Spoilers**
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:21:21 PM »
On a previous play through just checking out the mage class. I found the secret to jump to floor 3 of act 1.  I disregarded it at the time and went about my way normally through the act.

On my current play through (all planks) however, I thought "I am experienced lets do it."  However now I am seeming unable to get back to level 2 to get its secrets. I have unlocked the boss fight so I am not stuck in the game. I do want to get back to level 2 to do a full clear on it and more importantly get the planks for this play through.

Am I not experienced enough to find the way back to completely access floor 2 or is this by design and meant for speed runs?

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