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Messages - gregf

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: Ranger Unable to shoot diagonally to the upper left.
« on: December 24, 2013, 04:56:29 PM »
Arrow keys to move and space to shoot.

Bug Reports / Ranger Unable to shoot diagonally to the upper left.
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:51:27 AM »
When playing with the ranger i am able to shoot in diagonal directions, except to the upper left. It just refuses to shoot if faced diagonal left. I'm on 1.2.

Bug Reports / Linux DPMS
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:49:48 AM »
When playing the game under linux with a controller my monitors DPMS settings continually kick in. If I don't move the mouse every few minutes while playing with the controller my screen with go into stand by till I jiggle my mouse around, or hit the keyboard again.

I been working around this by running xset dpms off before starting the game.

Technical Support / Re: 1.2 propably broke my savegame...
« on: December 23, 2013, 05:47:05 AM »
Had this same problem today and I know what happened in my case. We played twice earlier and I was able to load our save game from earlier. The host contains the save data for all the players.

The next time we went to play I joined and my friend was taking a while to get ready and i walked down a flight of stairs to get to some vendors we previously passed. When I did that it updated the save file, and since he wasn't logged in it wrote the save file again without his character information.

We were able to reproduce it after guessing what happened. Hopefully this can get resolved some how in the next update?

If it does happen to you don't panic, he had almost 20,000 when he joined  and was able to just repurchase everything.

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