Hammerwatch Forum

Custom mapping and Mods => Editor Discussion => Topic started by: Psyborg on August 18, 2013, 10:54:31 AM

Title: Editing Strings
Post by: Psyborg on August 18, 2013, 10:54:31 AM
Is it possible to edit the strings in english.xml?

I tried editing english.xml (act names, boss names, etc) in the language folder.
I copied the language folder to my campaign folder in the editor tree.
I packed up the level and tried it in the regular game, but the string changes didn't seem to have taken effect. All the info.xml data did though.

It's possible I don't know how to pack levels correctly though, I simply dragged the folder of the game onto LevelPacker, then copied it to the main levels folder.
Title: Re: Editing Strings
Post by: Juschlan on August 18, 2013, 11:48:54 AM
I tried that too, but after some lines I noticed, that the english.xml is VERY long...
Title: Re: Editing Strings
Post by: Psyborg on August 18, 2013, 11:50:17 AM
Well, I figured out you can at least change act and level names in levels.xml simply by replacing the variables with what you want them to be.
Title: Re: Editing Strings
Post by: Myran on August 18, 2013, 01:56:25 PM
You don't really need to change the english.xml, anywhere where it uses references to that file you can also just enter the text you want it to say instead. So instead of "lvl.floor?floor=1" you can just put "FLOOR ONE".

Edit: Oh..  that's what you just said Psyborg, sry :) Anyway, it's possible to do that anywhere, like in AnnounceText scripts as well.