Custom mapping and Mods > Custom Maps

[Campaign] Tricks and traps - inspired by the Doom II level of the same name

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--- Quote from: Hipshot on January 15, 2014, 01:53:43 PM ---As a big fan of Doom and have thus played it a lot both then and now. It's pretty cool to see the tricks and traps level in this game.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for your kind words. Hopefully I can make it even better with Enjay's feedback.

This was great! Did not yet manage to find all the secrets, but it sure was fun. I did expect some kind of end boss tbh.
But other than that, great work! Keep it up!

I just updated the map to fix a few bugs when secrets are revealed, and fiddled with the balance slightly (There are a few more valuables lying around)

I played this 2 player and it was good fun. It was difficult at times, the room with the eye bosses were the hardest but once you figure out a good path for upgrades it becomes a breeze. The end was a bit pointless though, across the fire bridge, the skeleton boss and then end.

Yea maybe I need to make the end a bit more hammerwatch like. At the moment it's just like in doom where you finish a level. No fireworks just a screen that tells you how many secrets you found :)


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