Custom mapping and Mods > Custom Maps

[RELEASED] - Ravenwatch - Act 1 BETA - 0.18

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This is fun. Any way to throw money at this? Kickstarter or Paypal?

I highly doubt there would be enough of a crowd to fun it - I do believe Hammerwatch itself was crowd funded. I'll ask Myran and Hipshot if that's true! :P

The only way I could do it is if I had enough to pay what I make at my job currently for a year, so around 45k - that's pretty pricey :/

I love your feedback though! I'm still slowly working on Act 2 :)

There's really no reason to crowdfund a mod for an old game, I don't see a big enough crowd =/

And HW wasn't crowdfunded, it was funded from savings and took about 9 months to do. But people should be aware that the game released in august 2013, is not the same game as now, we have added so many features to make the game better and also the expansion.

For some reason I thought it was crowdfunded - but I may have had that mixed up with Steam Greenlight. Either way - this definitely isn't a fundable project :D

Have you given up on the project? I think it's really nice, and I'd like to see some more. It could use some more action/challenge and traps during the level, the pacing can become a little dull, but otherwise it's top class. Love the boss.


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