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Messages - Flopjack

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Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 21, 2014, 09:02:47 PM »
Does this work on PlayMusic scripts? After a key enemy is destroyed, I disable DangerArea for spikes and the spikes doodad state fine, but I also want to change the music at that point.

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 21, 2014, 06:45:14 PM »
And how do I disable/enable, destroy, or remove a script via scripts?

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:09:49 PM »
What script would I use to, after a key enemy dies, something happens?

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 15, 2014, 10:45:19 PM »
So, about that speech bubble. I'm having some trouble with it. What I need is to block new popups until the current speech bubble is gone. Can I set a timer for 3 seconds and the Random script checks to see if the timer is at 0 before another bubble pops up?

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 15, 2014, 04:25:52 PM »
Thanks again for the feedback, Enjay.

Ledges. In the lowest levels of the prison, I just had this idea of using ledges instead of the gray blocks to give the notion of some massive black abyss beneath it all. Like it was all built over some kind of Lord of the Rings Mines of Moria. That was the thought, anyway. :P

I'm leaning towards agreeing with you on the darkness. I have one final idea for it though: using it in more niche situations amounting to, essentially, dark areas being smaller and more deliberate. So, this would probably mean removing darkness from Chambers of Treachery and Cells of the Forgotten. Another idea is to generate a large light source in dark areas with torches, not just the standard torch light. Thoughts on this?

If, however, it is an eye strain, that's a problem. I had a few friends who played it and they made no mention of the darkness, but I and them have been playing in a dark room (in real life!) so it makes it easier to see stuff.

I want a few more opinions on Cells of the Forgotten, but I'm not against sectioning it. Do you mean just connecting halls to a few areas of cells or additional doors? Agreed it gets a little stagnated towards the final ~30% of clearing it. It's like: Yeah, I get it, I'm searching cells... sort of thing.

How did you feel about the money amount, too much or too little? Was there enough food and mana? Did you play with others?

How would I run a script to remove the dialog/text on the merchant? (The signs say the same thing, so I think that's OK.) Would I have an onLeave > remove text, sort of thing?

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:21:14 AM »
Update! Check first post.

It's the same amount of content, with a bunch of fixes. It now actually starts you in the correct area! It's balanced for 2+ players.

I haven't made big changes to the layouts yet. I know some of you had various critiques about the gray area (which I added to some areas, some other not to give an "abyss" feel via edges). Base your critiques off what I have now. Check first post for download.

Let me know your thoughts!

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 11, 2014, 09:29:33 PM »
Oh, thanks. I somehow missed that check box looking for a way to remove the attachment.

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 10, 2014, 08:56:27 PM »
OK, flippin', everyone stop downloading the level. It's bad how it starts and probably didn't make sense. I fixed it though and will be working on changes. (Is there a way to remove that attachment in the OP?) I numbered levels starting at 0, which was the problem. : /

Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:29:51 AM »
OK, so my to-do list is:

  • Figure out start location bug (How do I do this?)
  • Add color tiles
  • Change level design in some area, removing patterns like all the "boxy" areas
  • Tweak enemy amounts (slimes, particularly)
  • Throw in other rewards for exploring areas. (food, money, etc...)

As for the darkness. Isn't the point of darkness to be dark? I mean I don't want you to see what's there without light. However, it's clear it's annoying to you guys, so I have a few ideas. Torches grant much more light or very specialized areas finely tuned for the darkness.


Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:20:14 PM »
Thanks for the detailed critique, Enjay.

Most of what you've said I agree with or was a mistake of some sort. If you think it's a bug, it probably is, like the zillion apple thing. I'm not sure what you mean when you say "first, second, third, etc..." room. If you could use their names, that would help a lot. For example, Room 1 = Hero's Demise, Room 2 = Decaying Hall, etc... Was the text working, indicating where you are and where a door leads?

Glowing Ticks - I made no new assets. The glowing ticks are a more durable golden version which drop lots of money. Unless you're seeing  glowing effects on the normal ticks and I'm misunderstanding you?

OK, now it's time for the harder stuff. The darkness is something I'm fond of, but I may definitely be in the minority. If I make it light enough to see through it, why have the darkness be low at all? But at the same time I don't want it to be a problem. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said to save it for particular areas. The idea is to encourage you to stick together, like back-to-back, when venturing in the darkness. I mean this is basically an abandoned prison with a dark magic around... anyway, not totally sure how I can use it without it being weak. If I'm going to use darkness, it has to be dark. I also tried to have a theme of, the deeper you are in the dungeon the darker it is. So, in the West Wing (the bit you played), you've got the Decaying Hall with some light to see, but all the offshoots are pitch black, because that's the lowest. Going 1 layer above the Decaying Hall and you have plenty of light. Thoughts?

I tried to make some connection with the name of the area and what you found in it. It wasn't always smooth. The Chambers of Treachery were supposed to be torture chambers. There's only 4 large cells, a blood pit in each one and a larger blood pit in the center (couldn't find any other doodads to help support the theme). I put the random traps there as a throw back to... there's sharp stuff around here. :| ha ha, it's weak, but it's the best way I could think to have traps planted in a jail! :D

In the first room, the secret room you can either enter through the glowing eyes, or break into from a cell is empty. Finding secrets is fun, finding empty secrets just makes you question what you're doing with your life.
This seems to be an issue. What actually happens is you break down the wall and exit through the glowing eyes. This is how you break out of your cell at the very beginning. You can later enter that cell. I may just remove the glowing eyes or not allow the cell to be opened.

Your map doesn't use the color cover doodads in the editor. You probably want to find these and use them, as it will make your interior spaces feel like they're inside (Creating a sharp contrast between walls that you can be on either side of, and walls where you're on the only side of).
These are a pain and don't work with black being my back color. If we could have black colored pieces like they gray ones, where I can hide things under them, that would be great. But you're right about readability on knowing if you can get to the other side or not. We'll see.

Always have a reason for everything. Those buttons at the beginning that open the doors right next to them? They're decent, in the sense that they allow you to bypass all the enemies in the cells if you want to, but then what reason is there for pushing them? An apple? Well, you're not fighting anything, so there's no need for that. Maybe try ditching the individual buttons, and at the furthest corner of the level, have one button to open all of the cells, letting loose the hordes of baddies, and allowing you to go in and collect that sweet sweet gold, and those precious bronze keys.

Give the player reasons to want to do things. As it was, I made it up to the fourth level (The one with tons of slimes and the elite skeletons thrown in) before I stopped, and I only made it there because I had a reason for playing (Helping out the custom level community, by giving the advice you're reading here). If it weren't for that, I probably would have made it half way through the first set of cell-blocks, in to the second set, saw it was the same, and then quit. Give reasons to continue. Oh, you want that 5-up? You want those stacks of fat cash, to purchase the upgrades from the vendors, hidden behind the silver doors? Well, now you've gotta find those keys, and that cash, you have to find the secret passages, to solve the puzzles, to get the rewards.
I haven't properly placed rewards, various collectibles, and I'm randomizing positions of a lot of goodies and keys. That may explain a few things. In short, I'm not done, but wanted feedback to help. Additionally, I don't agree about always. You're in a jail and you don't know where things are. It's OK to stumble across a malfunctioning cell door button, a relatively empty corridor, or whatever. Ever played Diablo 2?

I do agree it's not OK to have an entire area/room and have no reward, and highlighting key things like a button that unlocks a secret or opens a new way with a chime or a graphic is a good thing, but the small stuff? I think it's OK to get a little crazy with it. It's fun to push buttons. :)

By the way, is it normal in HammerWatch that silver keys are only goodies? That what I was planning to do: bronze and gold keys for progression where silver keys are optional for goodies.

Custom Maps / [Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:36:14 AM »
Spent some time in the editor and wanted to get some feedback on what I have so far. It's supposed to be made in the theme of HammerWatch, so I guess it's my own take on the gameplay more than anything. Open to feedback, so I need testers! A few things to consider:

-It's difficult, so bring a friend or two. I'm debating on balancing it for 4 players for the ultimate challenge, but nothing too gimmicky (like traps you can't see that insta-kill you).
-Certain areas are very dark. (the deeper areas)

Zone 1 - West Wing: Hero's Demise, Cells of the Forgotten, Chambers of Treachery, Cellar of the Damned, Decaying Hall (connects rooms)

In progress:
Zone 2 - Administration:
Zone 3 - East Wing:

Hammerwatch Discussion / Re: Patch Notes for 1.2
« on: December 17, 2013, 06:35:48 PM »
Thanks for the patch notes.

Please don't make vague patch notes like: "Healing now heals around half as fast and costs more mana". I'd like the numbers.

Also, if we have saved files in the campaign, does it add the changes or do we have to start over?

Editor Discussion / Re: Lots of Traps = Bugs?
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:34:31 PM »
Meaning I only set 1? I set them all, then did a bunch of copy+pasta.

Editor Discussion / Lots of Traps = Bugs?
« on: December 15, 2013, 08:34:30 PM »
I have a map where I have a large amount of traps close to each other. Maybe about 50 arrow traps total, 30 in one area and 20 in another.

I notice my timers, which they are all attached to, all have their delay value set to 0, but they are firing on the delays I initially set. Changing the value does not change their delay anymore. It's like the editor froze the time delay for all traps and future traps. Everything fires at the same time OR at my initial specified delay after I noticed the bug.


Editor Discussion / Re: Trap effects
« on: December 15, 2013, 08:32:22 PM »
Is there an "attackMoveAI"? I'd love to be able to make a patrol of enemies, but then they engage players when they notice the players.

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