Custom mapping and Mods > Custom Maps

[Campaign] [WiP] No name yet!

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The HideSpeechBubble script should handle that for you, I believe.

Money balance is something that would require a full game and play-through to get a feel for, in my opinion, since I have no idea what I would be using the upgrades for, or how many I feel I would need. The distribution seemed pretty natural and even. Food and mana were the same.

Yeah, sectioning it was just an idea of how to make it a bit less dull. It just needs something to give it a bit more spark, or to be smaller, so the lower quantity of spark has greater effect.

I didn't mean actual painful eye strain, just a mental focus on the center of the screen that never wavered.

The ledges look nice, and they give a nice feel, they just have a downside of clearly highlighting the secret rooms. :D

So, about that speech bubble. I'm having some trouble with it. What I need is to block new popups until the current speech bubble is gone. Can I set a timer for 3 seconds and the Random script checks to see if the timer is at 0 before another bubble pops up?

From what I can see, it looks like you're using an AreaTrigger that runs one of 5 or so randomly selected ShowSpeechBubble scripts.
Add on to that an AreaTrigger that runs on leaving the area, and runs a HideSpeechBubble script, which is directed at all of the possible ShowSpeechBubble nodes, and set to hide last created script. (To do this, you have to right click on the ShowSpeechBubble node, not left click, and select "Last Spawned")

This will remove the bubble when the player leaves (Which makes sense, because then the vendor won't be talking to no-one), which prevents multiple from spawning on top of eachother.

UNTIL you have multiple people enter at the same time, which will run the script multiple times without having the chance to remove any, so just throw some logic in there to only show the speech bubble when the first person enters. That way the vendor won't talk to subsequent customers.

What script would I use to, after a key enemy dies, something happens?

ObjectEventTrigger - Destroyed


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