Author Topic: Class balance suggestion/additional Class  (Read 3055 times)


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  • Maggot Crusher.
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Class balance suggestion/additional Class
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:14:25 PM »
I've played all of the classes and gotten pretty far with my best friend, and I like the Wizard the most, however his range of his fireball and his special channeled attack is abysmall, for having a class that has only 25 life.  You require enemies to be too close to you, and you don't move any faster than any other classes, considering you are wearing just a robe.

Is it possible to give the Wizard more range to his fireball? Maybe just another inch or so, especially since he can't move while he shoots it?

I also noticed the Priest and Rogue are being developed (yay!), and I would like to see a Druid class as well.

Maybe a passive that he regenerates mana and health slowly over time...

His main attack is a chaining medium range lightning strike, or an ice bolt that slows enemies with medium range.

His first special is a Hurricane that spins around him that you activate and it drains mana while active and you can move around freely while it spins

Another special move is a little patch of wild growths/plants/flowers that heals and restores mana to people who stand in it over time

He's in green and brown robes with antlers with a little sickle or a wooden twisted wand as a weapon.

his upgrades increase the slow of his ice bolts, or the enemies chained and damage increase to his lightning strike.

Just my idea. I would REALLY love a Druid in this wonderful game, and I have already purchased it for two friends on Steam and we play together.

REALLY cute, great and fun little game that requires good reflexes and some intelligence, too....
