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Resources / Custom wizard sprites (WIP)
« Last post by Tempest on January 17, 2018, 11:10:27 PM »
Heya! I don't know how to start this topic, so i'm going straight to the point

One day i made some sprites for Hammerwatch, because i was kinda bored. I showed it to a player and he told me i should post them. So why not?

They're not very different from the original wizard_a and wizard_b sprites, and i might make some changes later, but for now...
Bug Reports / Re: PS4 has Glitched Trophies
« Last post by Vexeis on January 15, 2018, 03:00:03 PM »
I'm having the same issue. I just got to the temple, and Desert Zone... wont unlock. I'm positive I'm in the right spot.
Bug Reports / Re: Warlock Gargoyle Crashes game Switch
« Last post by BlitWorks on January 09, 2018, 06:53:38 PM »
Wanted to let you guys know we have fixed the gargoyle crash issue, will be included in the next patch.

Also, Thanks for reaching us via email.
Starting now we'll track the "Bug Reports" sub-forum, so feel free to keep bringing issues up.
Bug Reports / Re: Editor Undo Oddness?
« Last post by MadMan on January 08, 2018, 05:41:19 PM »
gayboi is me, editor sounds odd
Editor Discussion / Re: Custome textures are always white.
« Last post by CoffeeGopher on January 08, 2018, 07:07:52 AM »
I have no idea what I'm saying, but it probably has something to do with the .xml file accompanying it if it works in-game. Keep tinkering!
Bug Reports / Re: Editor Undo Oddness?
« Last post by CoffeeGopher on January 08, 2018, 03:47:46 AM »
Also, it seems you can't undo the first action after you open a file.
Bug Reports / Editor Undo Oddness?
« Last post by CoffeeGopher on January 08, 2018, 02:27:22 AM »
When I delete a doodad, then do another action, then undo that action, it un-deletes the doodad. I don't know to what extent this reaches, but this happens consistently for me. If any more information is needed, I can try and record it/get screenshots or do more testing.
Editor Discussion / Custome textures are always white.
« Last post by Cr1TiKa7 on January 06, 2018, 06:37:51 PM »

I recently started creating my own campaign with the editor and started creating my own textures.
Now when i try to use them inside the editor my own textures are always completly white.
Standard textures are shown correctly.

Spoiler for Hiden:

Someone knows what the problem is?

EDIT: By the way. When i'm testing my level. The custom textures are shown correctly. It's just the editor which is not rendering them correctly.

Custom Maps / Re: [CAMPAIGN]Dungeon of Doom 2 beta - The Hunt for the Golden Moose!
« Last post by Flemse on January 02, 2018, 12:10:47 AM »
Latest version: Dungeon of Doom 2.2.4

08-13-2017 Update: Added more secrets, more monsters and hazards for hard difficulty, and a few graphical details.

12-11-2017 Update: Added 2 more maps, 1 new dungeon, more secrets, 3 new 8-bit tracks, new custom item, new quest, fixed a handfull of bugs, made the final boss harder and added a few extra graphical details.
Editor Discussion / Custom Textures (Tilemaps)
« Last post by PinkFluffyWaffle on December 30, 2017, 01:34:23 PM »

I'll get straight to the point; How do you add custom tilemaps/floor + wall textures to the Hammerwatch editor so that you can create your own level with its own look?
I've tried looking around and came across 'HammerSprite' however all the tutorials are old and the 'tilemaps' folder in the tutorial video is not there for me and even after creating my own, it still did not work. (link to tutorial:

I would really appreciate any light you can shed on this problem,
Thank you in advance,
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