Editor Discussion / Re: Can monsters use player abilities?
« on: September 14, 2013, 04:38:22 PM »
Digging the Maggot and Tick codes. Thanks for that Myran!
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The assets.bin doesn't actually contain any source code (except for the shaders), so to make your own behaviors from scratch you would need to mod the .exe
Ah and you couldn't decompile the exe file? What are you using for decompiling?
EDIT: Augh, don't mean to be such a bother, but I guess I can't get the mods moving without the behaviours and even with the new extractor I have no luck with extracting any other file except for the assets.Oh? What are you trying to do, and how?
I'm trying to have a mob that acts as melee but with a long range. I've tried setting it as a ranged with an invisible projectile but that just causes all kinds of issues. Melee range is based on their collision - so as far as their 'range' is, the player can also hit them from that range, which kinda defeats the purpose. Is there a way to accomplish what I'm trying that I'm missing maybe?
Well... *le sigh*It's frustrating cause my laptop meets all the prerequisites and I didn't know why it's not workin ._.
I'm still confused. You're saying you can code new behaviors into the game but it would require a mod loader? Why can't you just add new behaviors and such to the existing code - and since those behaviors are not called by the default game but are accessible by the xmls you make they won't bother the 'vanilla' game - and use them without a mod loader?
Also you say even though its not open source accessing and creating behaviors is possible - Can you explain how? How do I get to those files because I can guarantee I'll make new ones if it's there.
Unless you remove minimap polys from each doodad, one can easily use the map to see if there are red dots and walls/keys/etc on the other side of these.
When you say limited to my abilities how do you mean? As far as I know this project wasn't open sourced and able to impliment new behaviors or abilities except through editing xml files with existing parameters. In that sense, we're limited by the parameters given - how do you mean?
I'd imagine making a custom status effect in itself would be difficult enough, but having it affect the player is even harder. I'd personally wait until they add status effects on players in the future, but if you seriously need it quick then try what you can. I'll be glad to help.I'm not looking to code anything into the engine just yet - just asking whether it is possible to use the existing XML/Behaviors to add an immobilizing effect like the Ranger's ability does on mobs. I'm guessing it's a no but I still want to be sure. The abilities for casters are kinda limited at this point. The ones I can name are:
teleporting, casting projectiles(homing or non), summoning, nova, and healing.
Don't get me wrong these are all usable and fine - but still quite limited. I'm trying to make mobs that don't behave exactly how mobs behave in vanilla hwThere are plenty of abilities that bosses use that don't seem to be available for use by other mobs as well which is a bit limiting.
I want a monster to have an ability that immobilizes the player it casts the spell at, like the ranger's vine/entangle ability. I of course wouldn't use that sprite as the effect, but I want the same game-mechanic to work for a certain mob. Possible?
Are you talking about the behaviors as in the code for the behaviors? Like changing/making your own behaviors? This sounds like a must for me to learn >< What programming is needed?
Also, how would you be able to mod the game and keep the original game too? Is there a mod loading UI I haven't seen?
How is this resource extractor different than the one in our editor folder? And what exactly is this repacker for?
Well this extractor allows for more files to be extracted which allows modders to open up more files like the behaviours and the repacker allows modders to convert our modded files into ones that are usable in game.
Edit: Well Xeronkar, Myran can't share everything, that can lead to technical and possibly legal issues so I understand and plus I think I might be the only one serious about modding here so I guess it never came up.