Custom Maps / Re: [Campaign][WIP] RETRIBUTION - Alpha 0.5
« on: April 23, 2014, 04:36:47 PM »
----- UPDATE -----
Hello HammerWatch Community.
As you all might noticed I have stopped this project many months ago
I am very sad about that but I have had no time for this. I was and I am currently extremly busy because of my education and my diploma project.
I worked for about 5 minutes of playtime more than 1 hour (probably even more) and that made me some kind of tired from work too. It was simply
too much for me
also my friends and I stopped playing HammerWatch and I focused more and more on my other hobbys (Blender 3D-modelling).
I could make all the files available (free download) but the main floor is very confusing if you haven't worked
on it for hours and it is currently unplayable too because there are some level overarching areas where you need keys
from other (not existent) floors. (If anybody wants those files, massage me on this forum)
Some screenshots (SPOILER!! xD):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlypuitl0vzpnpa/HW_EditorScreenshot.png (Main floor)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nd8gfkzmh92hof/HWthatpart.png (sick part, so much work q.q)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4tt0vte08fokhv/bonuslevel.png (bonus level)
............I just realised I lost the latest version of the main floor
*keep searching*
Hello HammerWatch Community.
As you all might noticed I have stopped this project many months ago

I am very sad about that but I have had no time for this. I was and I am currently extremly busy because of my education and my diploma project.
I worked for about 5 minutes of playtime more than 1 hour (probably even more) and that made me some kind of tired from work too. It was simply
too much for me

I could make all the files available (free download) but the main floor is very confusing if you haven't worked
on it for hours and it is currently unplayable too because there are some level overarching areas where you need keys
from other (not existent) floors. (If anybody wants those files, massage me on this forum)
Some screenshots (SPOILER!! xD):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlypuitl0vzpnpa/HW_EditorScreenshot.png (Main floor)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nd8gfkzmh92hof/HWthatpart.png (sick part, so much work q.q)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4tt0vte08fokhv/bonuslevel.png (bonus level)
............I just realised I lost the latest version of the main floor