I think I love you. <3
This is exactly the sort of thing Hammerwatch needed to be that little bit better.
The only issue with this generator is that it's not Linux friendly:
java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "/home/edward/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Hammerwatch\editor\LevelPacker.exe": error=2, No such file or directory
It's the "\editor\LevelPacker.exe" that's the culprit, as it would be "/editor/LevelPacker.exe" in Linux land. Unfortunately, that part you can't control in the params txt file.

Anyhow, minor point aside this project shows real promise. Will definitely love to see how this matures further.

Mac users will also probably be affected by the same issue for the same reason. I don't use a Mac, but as far as I am aware, being of the *nix family it'd also likely separate files with "/" rather than "\".
final edit: I have managed to get it working fully with Linux. It involves working with a hex editor, though. I am torn whether or not to share what values I edited to get it working though. On one hand, it'd help Mac/Linux users like myself. But on the other, it's not all that different than if I were to just redistribute the file (which isn't exactly ethical - I don't have permission to do that). And not to mention that it'd bite me on the bum if something went wrong.