Author Topic: Risky Business && other questions related to the expansion  (Read 7987 times)


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  • Maggot Crusher.
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Risky Business && other questions related to the expansion
« on: September 24, 2014, 03:48:10 PM »
We are having a blast with the expansion, but were wondering about a few things:
- Risky Business: Is the supply of certain bonuses limited? Or can we get an unlimited amount of armor upgrades for cheap? That would seem very overpowered. Also it seems to scale badly with player count: More players -> more money to buy it -> bonus get's applied to everyone
- Thief: Steal: The coin that spawns, is it worth 1 Gold? If so you have a hard time making back the money you invested, especially with multiple players
- Ore: Is there enough ore too eventually upgrade everything?

On a related note: The expansion is really great. Different enough from the main campaign to feel fresh. Overall we are enjoying the game tremendously. Sadly we only discovered it recently (HumbleBundle). Is there any way we can support the developers (except for buying more copies :P )?


  • Posts: 20
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Re: Risky Business && other questions related to the expansion
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 11:24:02 PM »
It doesn't seem like there's a limit to the gambler, but the chances of getting different items changes based on the number of players in the game. Also not certain about the ore, but in the two play throughs here we weren't able to max out the vendors. Be sure to choose your upgrades wisely!


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Re: Risky Business && other questions related to the expansion
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2014, 11:26:35 AM »
Yeah, use your ore wisely. You will probably use them for the offense shop :D
Defenseshop is always 1 on my map for example


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Re: Risky Business && other questions related to the expansion
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2014, 12:22:35 PM »
You can gamble as much as you want, for a while, the gambler could also drop money, but that was too exploitable. At least now, you need to give up buying regular upgrades and hope to get %-increases of the ones you already have. Or, do what I do, do it in the end of the game, with all money you have left.

There are not ore enough for all vendors, I suggest, for better players, to go offense and vitality shops, you need the damage to kill faster and health for one the hits you take. Armor is only good if you get hit often, which you want to avoid, that's why you level move speed.