Author Topic: Couple of questions about sprite scripting  (Read 13882 times)


  • Posts: 63
  • Dungeoneer
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Re: Couple of questions about sprite scripting
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2014, 06:28:35 AM »
Hammersprite can also help generate some of it for you and you can modify any other things you need from that point.
I actually tried that phantom, cant say it worked for me keep getting this error.

Code: [Select]
<doodad ao="false"> defaultlayer="20"
<sprite scale="16">
<origin>32 63</origin>
<frame>0 0 63 66</frame>
<collision static="true" shoot-through="false">
<point>-5 2</point>
<point>2 0</point>
<point>5 1</point>
<point>6 0</point>
<point>4 -3</point>
<point>7 -6</point>
<point>3 -11</point>
<point>-5 -12</point>
<point>-4 -7</point>
<point>-7 -6</point>
<point>-5 -3</point>
<point>-7 1</point>

not really sure what i'm doing wrong.

EDIT - I fixed it but now i have a new problem texture size should be the power of twos? what the hell does that even mean
WIth hammersprite, it may be that if you have more than one folder, its the wrong folder when generated so you have to go manually do a few yourself, which isn't too bad.