Author Topic: First time playing stream! - Looking for tips!  (Read 3925 times)


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  • Maggot Crusher.
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First time playing stream! - Looking for tips!
« on: November 18, 2014, 10:17:28 PM »
Hey guys, Im a small time livestreamer and youtuber (very small) and I picked up Hammerwatch today and will be streaming it shortly! Idk if there is a special place to post this, or if I should be at all since it could be considered advertising, but I would love if some of you guys would stop out and hang around for a bit, help me get started in the game and give me some tips and tricks!

if anyone is interested I'll be streaming at

and hopefully if all goes well Ill be uploading it as well to my youtube (ZashenLp)

Hope to see some new faces out here, and hope those of you who show up enjoy the stream! thanks much!