Author Topic: Statue puzzle Help  (Read 6159 times)


  • Posts: 6
  • Maggot Crusher.
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Statue puzzle Help
« on: February 25, 2017, 12:19:32 PM »
Hi editors,

I have a relatively puzzle heavy custom map, so I run into these kinds of problems a lot.
But there is one I have not been able to solve. (Hopefully with your help I can)

The bug only happens in Multiplayer testing

The puzzle: (See image)
I have a few statues which I can move by pushing them. (inspired by the custom campaign Hexen: Beyond Hammerwatch)
The statues are actually enemies with no attack and their movement is set to zero.
-If you push them to the runes an area trigger either lowers or raises the bridge.
- Get the right combination and you can cross the bridge.

What goes wrong/the error in multiplayer:
Whenever other players try to move the statues they appear to jump/teleport or move on their own a bit.
At first for them it looks like they are pushing the statues, but after a second or two they have walked past it.
As the host I can still push them the way I intend.

I am fairly certain this is not an issue with the internet connection.

I have tried increasing the collision area of the statues, but that did not work.
I think I need a different method of making pushable/moveable statues.

If anybody has any idea how to solve this one, I would be really grateful.

Kind Regards,

The Pizza_wizard (formerly known as Pyrodioxide)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 12:28:21 PM by Pizza_wizard »


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Re: Statue puzzle Help
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2017, 08:42:09 AM »
So, Ive seen a few mods do this. The only thing I can say and I know it's not helpful, is that the game wasn't designed for this, it bugs out in multiplayer, it's not a stable way of doing things I'm afraid.

Enemies aren't always properly synced so puzzles like these tends to break in multiplayer, even if you have a really good ping to each other.


  • Posts: 6
  • Maggot Crusher.
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Re: Statue puzzle Help
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2017, 03:56:02 PM »
So, Ive seen a few mods do this. The only thing I can say and I know it's not helpful, is that the game wasn't designed for this, it bugs out in multiplayer, it's not a stable way of doing things I'm afraid.

Enemies aren't always properly synced so puzzles like these tends to break in multiplayer, even if you have a really good ping to each other.

Thank you for the quick reply, this will save me a lot of time trying to fix something that is not meant to be fixed.
I have one other option, but that is going to take a lot of scripts/time.

I'll put it in the "Nice to realise" pile until I have fixed all the main issues with my custom map  ;D.

Thanks again!